Maclay (1846-1888)
The future traveler and ethnographer, was born in St. Petersburg in the family of an engineer. From university he quickly ruled out - for participation in the student movement. So he finished the education already in Germany. From there he went to his first trip to the Canary Islands, then to Madeira, Morocco, the coast of the Red Sea. I went there as a researcher fauna and returned ethnographer. He was more interested in not animals and flowers, and people.
Maclay investigated the indigenous population of South-East Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. He lived for several years in the north-west coast of New Guinea, visited the islands of Oceania. He made two expeditions to the Malay Peninsula. By
studying the indigenous people of these lands unexplored, the scientist
concluded that the species unity and kinship of different races. The last years of his life he spent in Indonesia and Australia, and even proposed a draft Union Papuan New Guinea. He conceived the researchers had to resist the invaders-colonizers. One of the last of his ideas - Russian-community co-operative in New Guinea - ideal polity.
scientist died in his native St. Petersburg in a hospital bed, numerous
expeditions to 42 years completely "worn out" the body. Collections
and paper Maclay - Sixteen notebooks, six thick notebooks, plans, maps,
own drawings, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, blogs from
different years - were transferred to the Imperial Russian Geographical
Society and placed in the Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
Это про Миклухо-Маклай (1846-1888)