1. Money has not gone into purchasing assets.
2. The
firm has not extended its resources through the use of credit.
3. The
owner has not invested any of his money
into new businesses.
4. The
company has not bought assets for idle
5. New
credits have not increased the income of
the purchaser.
6. The
efficient cash flow has not reduced the
cost of productive assets.
7. Idle
cash has not earned any profit.2.
1. Has Money gone into purchasing assets.
2. Has The firm extended its resources through
the use of credit.
3. Has The owner invested any of his money into new businesses.
4. Has The
company bought assets for idle money.
5. Have New credits increased the income of the purchaser.
6. Has The efficient cash flow reduced the cost of productive assets.
7. Has Idle cash earned any profit.