№ 1
1) фермерская земля,сельскохозяйственные угодья 2) пастбище, луг 3) целина, участок дикой природы 4) пра-прабабушка и пра-прадедушка, родители в третьем поколении 5) каноэ 6) бесконечный 7) водные пути,водные артерии 8) сильный,мощный 9) давать начало (о реке) 10) to streach 11) берег моря, озера 12) пустыня 13) цепь, горный хребет 14) аттракцион 15) смесь 16) таять 17) a плавильный котел,в прямомо или переносном смысле, коренное изменение.
1) Rivers have always been used as important waterways.
2) A canoe is a long, light, narrow boat, first used by American Indias.
3) What do children usually do on the attraction?
4)This tea is mixture of three different sorts.
5) Disneyland is a place full of attractions both for children and grown-ups.
6) At what temperature does ice melt?
7) Do you know where the Miskva River rises?
8) From the deck they could see a beautiful cottage on the shore of the sea.
9) There were some rocks on the eastern shore of the lake.
10) The shore was sandly and we often played there in summer.
11) The eagle flew up tp the sky on its mighty wings