I. Выберите слово, близкое по значению данному:
1. possibility a) selection b) opportunity c) attitude
2. similar a) simple b) single c) same
3. other a) together b) another c) after
4. tuition a) teaching b) learning c) examination
5. private a) state b) non-state c) expensive
II. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению данному:
6. complicated a) complex b) simple c) intricate
7. practice a) probation b) work c) theory
8. train a) teach b) instruct c) study
9. foreign a) native b) strange c) individual
10. connect a) join b) break c) link
III. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее рус-скому:
11. давать дополнительный заработок a) to demand an additional earning b) to provide an additional earning c) to guarantee an additional earning
12. пока что a) so far b) so that c) so far as
13. подписать контракт a) to make a contract b) to break the contract c) to sign a contract
14. в зависимости от a) for instance b) depending on c) according to
IV. Найдите слово, выпадающее из данной тематической группы:
15. a) linguistics b) economics c) politics d) economist
16. a) collaboration b) cooperation c) partnership d) correspondence
17. a) professional b) entrant c) school leaver d) student
18. a) mathematics b) chemistry c) language d) physics
V. Найдите слово, объединяющее данную тематическую группу:
19. a) subject b) history c) law d) management
20. a) country b) language c) relations d) foreign
21. a) colloquium b) class c) lecture d) tuition
22. a) university b) education c) college d) school
VI. Из данных слов выберите то, которое закончит предложение:
23. 49% of college and university students … for tuition. a) pay b) accept c) train
24. School leavers … themselves where to study. a) decide b) welcome c) differ 25. A secondary school … instruction in academic and vocational subjects. a) receives b) offers c) connects
26. An elementary school teaches such basic … as reading, writing, arithme-tic and history. a) plans b) schedules c) subjects