Времени мало, поэтому не так много.. посмотри схемки и сам9ама) напридумывай
Present Simple
I go to school everyday that is why i like to ger knowledges.
I visit theatre everyday, because i want be culture.
My grandmather reads newspaper every day, she like to do it.
The park opens everyday, and a lot of visitors visit its.
Past Simple.
I goed to school everyday that is why i like to ger knowledges.
I visited theatre everyday, because i wanted was culture.
My grandmather reads newspaper everyday, she liked to did it.
The park opened everyday, and a lot of visitors visited its.
Future Simple
I will go to school that is why i like to ger knowledges.
I woll visit theatre everyday, because i want be culture.
My grandmather will read newspaper , she like to do it.
The park will open tomorrow, and a lot of visitors visit its.