Я: I am absolutely sure that the best present for our parents' anniversary would be a weekend in Rome.
брат: well, let me disagree with you. I would like to share the price with you equally, and I can't afford such an expensive gift. let's buy tickets to the theatre.
Я: no, no and no. dad hates theatre, he thinks it's boring.
bro: ok, how about tennis rackets?
я: absolutely no. don't you remember?! mom twisted her ankle last year. since then she doesn't play tennis.
bro:well, maybe a big box of sweets will be a good gift for them?
Я: i don't think so. Mom is on a diet. she won't eat sweets. I think there are no other choices at all, but to buy a weekend in Rome. don't worry. I'll pay if you are out of money.
bro: fine, let it be a weekend in Europe, but not in Rome. In my opinion, we should buy a two day trip to aquapark in Poland in Mikolajki. both mom and dad like aquaparks, and there is also a spa zone there.
Я: fine. i agree. let's go to the travel agent.