1 An elephant is... (short) than a whale. 2 A kangaroo is... (big) than a lizard. 3 A tiger is... (tall) than a dog. 4 A hippo is... (fat) than a seal. 5 A monkey is... (funny) than a parrot. Вот задание.Read and complete
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shorter, bigger, taller, fatter, funnier.
1. the shortener 2. the biggest 3. the taller 4. the fatest 5. the most funny
1 An elephant is smoll ( short ) than a whale. 2 A kangaroo is little more ( big ) than lizard. 3 A tigers is big ( tail ) than a dog. 4 A hippo is big ( fat ) than a seal. 5 A monkey is small ( fanny ) than a parrot.