Мини сочинение по английскому языку ** тему : мои зимние каникулы

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Мини сочинение по английскому языку на тему : мои зимние каникулы

Английский язык (20 баллов) | 81 просмотров
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My winter holidays.
During our school year we have two holidays - winter and summer ones. As for summer holidays they will be in some months and i don't want to think of them because i become very lazy and don't want to do anything. I just forget about school and begin to dream about seaside. However, soon we'll have winter holidays and i suppose it's also a very interesting time. Winter holidays will start in one week. They include New Year's day and Christmas - two magic days in our life. As for me, during winter holidays I shall go to Finland together with my parents, because it's the best place in winter. Finland is always associated with Christmas. We shall have a travelling by plane. We shall spend three days in Helsinki. We shall put up at one good hotel and have some wonderful excursions. We shall go to some museums. In the evenings we shall walk about the city and enjoy its evening views. I think, I shall miss Helsinki after my coming back home.

(221 баллов)
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На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкWinter HolidaysЗимние каникулыMy name is Anastasia. I’m thirteen years old. My favourite season is winter. My holidays began on the 28th of December. I am in a good mood because New Year’s Day and two weeks of the rest will come soon. I like festive bustle. In the first day of our holidays I and my sister decorated our flat and we also decorated the Christmas tree in the evening. There is a tradition in our family: we all go skiing to the forest in the morning in the last day of the year. We enjoy beauty of the forest, breath fresh air and have a great time. Usually our walk takes us two hours. Then we begin to prepare for holiday. In the first day of January we went to celebrate our grandmother and grandfather and next day we went to street festivities at city square. The whole holidays I and my sister were spending much time in the street. We could go skating, having a fight with snowballs or making a snowman. Also we walked in the snow-covered park. I liked my winter holidays very much.Меня зовут Анастасия. Мне 13 лет. Моё любимое время года – зима. Каникулы начались 28 декабря, и у меня сразу поднялось настроение, так как впереди самый замечательный праздник: Новый год и две недели отдыха. Очень люблю праздничную суматоху. В первый день каникул мы вместе с сестрой украшали квартиру, а вечером наряжали ёлку. У нас в семье есть традиция: в последний день года всей семьёй утром ходить в лес на лыжах. Два часа мы наслаждаемся красотой леса, дышим свежим воздухом и весело проводим время. Потом мы начинаем готовиться к празднику. Первого января мы ездили поздравлять бабушку с дедушкой, а на следующий день ходили на гулянье на городскую площадь. Все каникулы мы с сестрой много времени проводили на улице: катались с горки, играли в снежки, лепили снеговиков и просто гуляли по заснеженному парку. Зимние каникулы мне очень понравились.
(156 баллов)

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