1.Every russian student definitely know two of the most popular classical novels-"A Terrible Vengeance" and "The Double ". "A Terrible Vengeance" was written in 1831 by N.V.Gogol, and "The Double " was published 15 years later by F.M. Dostoevsky.
3.So, novel- writing was popular as in America as in England. My favourite english-speaking novelists're O. Wilde , E.A. Poe , O. Henry. In my childhood I was really interested in Wilde's " The Canterville Ghost", because I loved his mystical plot and some of main characters' immoral behavior.
4. That's important for people to train their own imaganation.That's why i think firstly you should read a play and imagine how you suppose it 'd look in your mind, and after that watch somebody's interpretation.