6. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Indefinite.
1) Andrea (to live) in San Francisco.
2) She (to get up) at six o'clock and (to take) а shower.
3) She doesn't normally (to have) breakfast.
4) At half past eight she (to catch) а bus to her college.
5) Нег first class (to start) at а quarter past eight.
6) She always (to have) lunch at twelve o'clock in the cafeteria.
7) The cafeteria (to be) ОК and it (to be) cheap too.
8) Once а week she (to go) swimming.
9) Sometimes one of her friends (to pick) them up and then (to drive) them home.
10) She (°to invite) friends to her house rather often, they (to listen) to music and (to talk).