1. After _a/the_ tour in _the_ Austrian Alps they had gone
to _the_ Hotel Splendide at __ Montreux, in order to enjoy for _a_ day or
two _the_ charms of __ Lake of __ Geneva. (Bennett) 2. Dusk was already
falling on _ta/the_ noble curve of _the_ Thames. (Bennett) 3. I hear he's off to
__ Central Africa. (Bennett) A. In Ivanhoe Walter Scott describes __
England of _the_ Middle Ages. 5. __ Capetown is in __ South Africa. 6. In
_the_ heart of __ Central Asia lies __ Khoresm, _a_ small fertile area in _a_
sea of __ sand. 7. _The_ prospect ends... in little hills that come nearly
to _the_ sea; rudiments, these, of _the_ Atlas Mountains. (Shaw) 8. "We've
been touring _the_ world... We tried __ South America...We lasted three
days in __ Australia..." "Have you ever been to. _the_ States?" (Amis) 9.
Michael looked quizzically at his parent. Did he quite understand _the_
England of to-day? (Galsworthy)