1.Learn how to use the computer Information Technology
In it we learn how to use the computer.
2.Read about countries all over the world Geography
In it we learn about countries all over the world
3. Draw and paint Arts In it we draw and paint
4. discuss how people lived in the past History
In it we learn how people lived in the past
5. study English words phrases and grammar English
In it we study English words phrases and grammar
6. Use numbers and calculations Maths (Mathematics) In it we use numbers and calculations
7. Learn about animals plants and a human body Biology In it we learn about animals, plants and a human body
8. Play different sports PT (Physical Training) or PE (Physicsl Education) In it we play different sports
9. Learn about composers styes of music Music In it we learn about composers snd styles of music
10.make different things and cookTechnology In it we make different things and cook