There are many kinds of sports: running, swimming, soccer, volleyball, skating, cycling and many others.
2 for me, sport is an integral part of life.
3 I like many sports.
4 for example, in the winter I love to skate, this activity brings a lot of positive emotions.
5 In the fall and spring, I prefer complex activities at home or biking.
6 my best time of year for sporta- this summer, because it is in this season, you can try almost all sports.
7 I spend a lot of time swimming in the pool, yoga, playing badminton, and lots more.
8 each class sport for me, a storm of emotions and well-being.
9 in addition to excellent mood, sport helps to gain a perfect figure.
10 I believe that sport should become indispensable, regular employment for everyone, because it gives great health, the perfect mood and helps to maintain physical fitness.