Заполнить пропуски артиклями,где необходимо.Перевести предложения
1.The students are near ... table
2. ... dinner is over.You may go for a walk.
3.It's ... yasty breakfast.
4.Pete is ill ... boy is in the bed.
5.This is ... room.Yhere are people in ... room.
Перевести предложения,обращая внимание на оборот here is/are.
1.How many minutes are there in an hour?
2.Take this magazine an read.
3.There are many old houses in our street.
4.Is there a life in your house?
5.There is a telegram on the tab
Переделать следующие предложения в отрицательные и положительные.Перевести предложения.
1.There is a clock on the wall.
2.There are books on the shelf.
3.There are notebooks in the bag.
4.There is an interesting story in this book.
5.There are many large cities in our country.