Нужен перевод (только не из переводчика)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My children went to (1)a private school only when we were in (2) Japan, because there was no alternative. So they went to (3) an international school, (4) a private one. I worked at (5) boarding schools. I know (6 ) the advantages and disadvantages of (7) boarding schools. And I think although I personally happened to have gone to (8) boarding schools just for (9) sport — I was interested in sport — I didn’t think it was good for my (10) children. I didn’t want to send them there because of (11) a long-term psychological damage I’ve seen done to many students in (12) private schools. I think it’s rather (13) an elite system that we have (14) the Britain, and
wanted them to socialise with everyone in (15) village, from all socio-economic backgrounds.