Dear Editor-in-Chief!
You will probably be surprised to receive a
letter from a person whom you have never met, but I'm writing to inform you
that recently I have read the article in your newspaper "No work? No
problem!" where one of your journalists started that young people were
happy to be unemployed and weren't trying hard enough to find employment.
Let me not agree with this view. It is nonsense.
First, I would like to remind you that
there are young people in our country who want to work and live independently
from their parents. I understand that there are some young people who like to
wander aimlessly through the streets, sit in bars and spend money of their
parents. But there are not very many.
Secondly, the other thing is that we cannot get any
job. My friends and I tried to find where to work. And what? Employers need not
only our diplomas and certificates, they want to get certified specialists with
a great experience. How can this be? First, we aren't given work because we are
small, then because we have no diploma, and then because we have no any
experience. The paradox.
In addition, I believe that we need not criticize young people but on the government level to solve the problem. We
want to work! Let us jobs, quotas, give us the opportunity to express
ourselves and we will prove to you that we are educated and healthy,
responsible and honest.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this is
my opinion, and I want you to start a discussion on this theme on pages of your
newspaper. I can offer my services for checking author materials.
Feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Yours faithfully,
Andrea Smith