Science Museum It's one of most of London's museums. It was foundedScience Museum It's one of most of London's museums. It was foundedScience Museum
It's one of most of London's museums. It was founded in 1857. The Science Museum is worth visiting because it is famous for its big collections (from airplame to microchips), interesting exhibitions and special activities. The museum offers activities both for adults and children. Visitors can learn a lot about modern science, take an active part in experiments and meet face-to-face with the future.
Visitors can also spend an amazing Science Night in the museum, see a film in IMAX 3D cinema, have a birthday party and enjoy original souvenirs. Задайте пожалуйста 5 вопросов общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный, к подлежащему),