Я не уверена так ли нужно сделать. Задание какое-то странное ))
1. Light soft shoes are worn for dancing
or sport. (в страдательном)
People wear light soft shoes for dancing or sport. (в действительном)
A special machine is used for forcing
liquid, gas or air into, out of or through something. (в страдательном)
We use a special machine for forcing liquid, gas or air into, out of or
through something.(в действительном)
A long thin metal rod was pushed
through meat to hold and turn it while it was cooked over a fire. (в страдательном)
I pushed a long thin metal rod through meat to hold and turn it while it
was cooked over a fire. (в действительном)
A small narrow point of land was extended
into the sea or lake. (в страдательном)
A small narrow point of land extended into the sea or lake. (в действительном)