It is so important to have traditions. They are part of the glue that holds families together. Traditions are beneficial in several ways. First, they give children and even teens a sense of security. They know that in an uncertain world, some things stay the same. Traditions also foster closeness in the immediate and extended family. Lasting memories are formed, and hopefully our children will continue the customs in their own homes and make more of their own.
Here are some suggestions for creating some family traditions. None are hard to do. These have worked over the years for our family.
We started this when my first son was a baby. My mother, sister and brother-in-law, my husband, sons, and I get together for a carry-in dinner every Sunday. We take turns hosting the dinner at our houses. Whoever makes the main dish has the dinner at their house. After my dad died, this was especially meaningful to my mother. It gives us all something for which to look forward.
Every Friday night my family and my husband's brother get together for a movie. Usually we have pizza for supper on Friday because it is the end of a tiring work week. I can either throw one in the oven or call in one to be delivered.
We have watched some really good movies and some we tried were not as good as they were advertised to be. However, we get a kick out of my 86 year old mother watching these wild action movies that all the guys like! She's interested, too!.
This is one thing that we tried to do when the boys were younger. It was a little harder to keep up with, because of extra-curricular activities and homework. It is nice to set aside one evening of the week, maybe Wednesday, and have everyone sit at the kitchen table and play board games.