Помогите с реферат. ** казахс. языке про тигра. кто может помогите.

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79 просмотров

Помогите с реферат. на казахс. языке про тигра. кто может помогите.

Қазақ тiлi (26 баллов) | 79 просмотров

могу только на англ.языке

Дан 1 ответ
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Tiger - this very much and sylnoe zhyvotnoe , samыy Large representative of semeystva koshachyh . Dlyna body vicinity of 100 cm , weight 390 kilogram dostyhaet . Perednyaya Body Parts animal morethan muskulystaya , than zadnyaya . Drawing, raspolozhennыy on TV harakteren Only emu , No animals on the planet with Rod Like color. Beautiful zelёnыe eye , wide nose , okruhlыe ushky and , of course the same , Acute zubы . Krasavets yes and Only . In him is excellent of view , a good ear and neplohoe obonyanye .

Online obytaet in the south Asia in Zakavkaze in Primorsko krae . Samыm krupnыm javljaetsja Amur tiger Lives and Only on the far East. The basic pyscha - Large kopыtnыe zhyvotnыe : kabanы , Helen, antylopы . For one sъedaet Dining on a neighborhood trydtsaty kylohrammov meat. In the absence takovыh , hyschnyk Can snacking and zhyvotnыmy pomelche . His possessions Hunting Vast , on constantly in the search íîâûõ victims ohotytsya mostly in alone. Otlychnыy Begun true Only for short dystantsyyah . Can razv velocity to 50 km / h Vo Vremya ohotы , staraetsya deystvovat slyly . Snachala karaulyt sterezhet and his victim , and nachynaet keep chasing Only in nebolshom distances . Despite that , that tiger cat , very Well plavaet . Online loves the water , and a hot neproch denёk steep in water , such spasayas zharы nazoylyvыh and insects.

Pregnancy females dlytsya neighborhood of 110 days . Novorozhdennыe tyhryata ymeyut dlynu body 40 centimeters and vesyat to kilogram . Pytayutsya Motherboards milk 6 months. Father in offspring of education prynymaet not participate . With Mom tyhryata WILL together two years , Sometimes a little more. By Eto TIME obuchayutsya ones mind, and just zaschyte vыzhyvanyyu dykom myre in nature. Duration of life neighborhood of 10 years.

(70 баллов)

спасибо конечно большое но надо на казахском.


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