Рецепт пиццы ** английском

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72 просмотров

Рецепт пиццы на английском

Другие предметы | 72 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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to test:

flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tbsp
slyvochnoe butter - 140g
egg - 1 pc.

For the filling:

rice - 1 cup
repchatыy onion - 1 onion
lamb - 250g
sыr - 200g
egg - 1 pc.
garlic - 3 cloves
FRESH tomatoes - 5.
molotыy chernыy pepper , salt - to taste .

Zamesyt sloenoe tests, pomestyt on polchasa fridge .

Figure promыt several times , otvaryt and cool. Otvarnuyu porezat solomkoy lamb and onion - rings , garlic and egg varenoe - Crayons slash . Smeshat all Components , and Ambassador pepper to taste . Then Raskat tests, ulozhyt on protyven and vыlozhyt the test podhotovlennuyu stuffing.

Tomatoes cleanse from kozhurы , razmyat and pokrytem stuffing poluchennыm tomatnыm puree. Scrolling posыpat natertыm sыrom . Zapekat Burning Oven in about 30 minutes.

(18 баллов)

To test: water - 400 ml Olive Oil - 2.5 tbsp G - 2-3 tsp, flour - 800g, yeast (dry) - 2 tsp, for the filling: tomatoes - 1-2 pieces.; sыr skamortsa - neighborhood of 70g; bazylyk (sushenыy ili svezhyy) - in taste, Olive oil