1. This monkey is funny but that monkey is funnier.
2 This shirt is nice, but that shirt is nicer.
3 This house is big, but that house is bigger.
4This milk is hot, but that milk is hotter.
5 This boy is lazy, but that boy is lazier.
6. This puppy is small, but that puppy is smaller.
7. This book is good, but that book is better,
8This pig is dirty, but that pig is dirtier.
9. This ball is bad, but that ball is worse.
10. This girl is tall, but that girl is taller.
12 This cat is lazy, but that cat is lazier.
13. This woman is busy, that woman is busiest.
14. This book is bad, but that book is worse.
15. This pig is fat, but that pig is fatter.
16. This tomato is small, but that tomato is smaller.