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Key words:the warden of your local park,report,making some suggestions, how the appearance of the park can be improved.
To:Mike Sephens,Shipton Park Warden
From:Stephen Grimer, Assistant Park Warden
Subjects;Suggestions for improving Shiptan Park
Date: 5th Junary
Introduction: The aim of this report is to suggest ways of improving Shipton Park to make the park more attactive and popular.
Appearance:The park is in needof more plants,flowers and trees.Therefore,I suggest that mo gardeners be employed by the council.In this way, where park would look better for visitors.Also there is a lot of litter in the park.I strongly recommend an increaced number of litter bins and fanes for visitors who litter the park.
Facilities:To begin with,i feel the park's facilities could be improved.At the moment there is no children's playground so one should be boult.In addition cafeteria could be opened and a small football pitch constructed.
Conclusion:The sum up,i believe that these recomenndations would improve the park immensely and encourage more people to use it.