1. Ничего не надо, как по-моему
a) for b) beyond c) until d) through
The house is_ the bridge.
потому что:
1. Дом-это мост. а) для б) за пределами в) до г) Через
И тут ничего не подходит, хотя какой дом - это мост?! Предложение странное)
2.b) behind
Johny is_ other boys og his age.
3. c) at
The temperature is two degrees_ zero.
4. a) in
There is always a group of idle students standing_ street corners.
5. a) of
The sun rose_ the horizon.
6. a) at
Bess will have her examination_ 7 May.
7. a) against
They decided to vote_ the proposal.
8. a) to
He heard that someone was approaching_ him.
9. a) in
It's dangerous to play football_ the street.
10. c) at
The train arrived_ platform 8.
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