Zubr is the heaviest and largest land mammal of Europe, the European representative of wild bulls. The length of its body can reach 330 cm, height in withers is two metres and a weight of one ton. As a North American relative, his hair dark brown, and young calves - reddish. Head noticeably short, bent down, marked «beard» and two small horns. The differences between the tortoise and the American bison are insignificant. The bison higher hump, different in shape, more long horns and tail. The head of the bison staged higher than the bison. Body bison inscribed in the square, and the bison - in elongated rectangle, that is, the bison longer back and shorter legs. In the hottest time of year, the rear part of the bison is covered with very short hair, almost bald, while bison in all seasons coat developed throughout the body. Both species are approximately identical on size, although the American bison by приземистости looks leaner and stronger.