- False (The cinema was popular in the fifties.)
- False (A family in Alice's street bought a TV.)
- False (Alice thinks that teenagers are different today.)
- False (Becky really liked the fifties style of clothes.)
- True
- True
- False (People get married later now than in the fifties.)
- True
1. The cinema wasn't popular in the fifties.
- False
- "We went to the cinema a lot, too."
- Correct sentence: The cinema was popular in the fifties.
2. Alice's family bought a TV.
- False
- "I remember that a family in our street bought a black-and-white TV and we all went to their house to watch it."
- Correct sentence: A family in Alice's street bought a TV.
3. Alice thinks that teenagers are more enthusiastic today.
- False
- В тексте не утверждается ни это, ни обратное. "Life's different now, not necessarily better or worse. I think the most important thing is to have enthusiasm and a passion for life."
- Correct sentence: "Alice thinks that teenagers are different today."
4. Becky thinks that the fifties style of clothes was awful.
- False
- "I really liked the hairstyles and fashions, especially the big skirts and teenage guys in suits!"
- Correct sentence: Becky really liked the fifties style of clothes.
5. Alice doesn't like the violence on TV today.
- True
- "My gran is sometimes shocked by the bad language and violence on TV, but she's cool about most things."
6. Alice thinks that life is better for women today.
- True
- "She says women have more opportunities now."
7. People get married earlier now than in the fifties.
- False
- "My gran left school when she was sixteen and got married when she was twenty. I think people wait longer these days."
- Correct sentence: People get married later now than in the fifties.
8. Becky is respectful to older people.
- True
- В тексте нет предложения прямо подтвержающего или опровергающего это утверждение, но вывод можно сделать, основываясь на стиле и тоне текста.