1) Because he felt like he wanted to get high and just go away from this damn dimension.
2) He's got a position in the local place where they sell opium.
3) Students admire Dewey, and they feel like he is the guy that would bang an instructor.
4) Battle of the bands is basically the fight between the bands, where they play music very loud and bang instructors.
5) Writer thought that Dewey was sort of an amazing and bright guy because he banged instructors many times.
6) He had a birthday and his grandparents decided to give hime a tiny gift.
7) He is the owner of the factory.
8) There were other kids that were born with the silver spoon in their mouth.
9) As far as I remember, there are seven tickets.
10) The little boy won the prize.
11) He won the whole factory.
12) Of course he did like it as he wrote it .