Подчеркните нужное время Present Simple или Present Conti- nuous.1. I'm sleeping /sleep on Ben's sofa until I find a place of my own.2. I'm only working / only work there for a couple of weeks because I'mgoing abroad in the summer.3. If you aren't listening / don't listen to the radio, why don't you switchit off?4. His only bad habit is that he talks/is talking too loudly.5. So in the first scene we see/are seeing her getting up and then she goesout/ is going out and meets/is meeting a strange man.6. You make / are making soup using meat, vegetables and paprika.
1. I'm sleeping
2. I'm only working
3. If you aren't listening
4. talks
5. see; is going; is meeting
6. make (хотя, если имеется в виду, что именно в данный момент варишь суп, то тогда нужно Pr. Cont.)