X Упр. 5Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Ilse Present Perfect or Pos...

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3.9m просмотров

X Упр. 5Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Ilse Present Perfect or Pos SimpleA: Let's go to the cinema this evening.B: Yes. good idea.... (you hear about the new Spielberg film yet?A: Yes, 1... (already/see) il.B: Oh really? When ... (you/see) it?A: Last week. I... (go) to the cinema with Mark. 1... (not/see) Titanic yet. Have you?B: No. I ...(not/have). Let's see that. Shall we invite Sara?A: Yes, but I... (not speak) to her yet this week. Is she at homeB: Yes, she is. She ... just come back) from her holiday.​

Английский язык | 3.9m просмотров
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A: Let's go to the cinema this evening.

B: Yes. good idea.... Have you heard about the new Spielberg film yet?

A: Yes, I have already seen it.

B: Oh, really? When did you see it?

A: Last week. I went to the cinema with Mark. I haven't seen Titanic yet. Have you?

B: No. I haven't. Let's see that. Shall we invite Sara?

A: Yes, but I haven't spoken to her yet this week. Is she at home?

B: Yes, she is. She has just come back from her holiday.​


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