1.) A monitor-монитор, a magnet- магнит, a disc- диск, a screen- экран, a keyboard- клавиатура, a kilobyte- килобайт, a mouse- мышь, a floppy disc-дискета, hardware-аппаратное обеспечение , software-программное обеспечение , CD ROM-компакт-диск , a disc drive- дисковод, a hard disc-жесткий диск , a printer-принтер, a Visual Display Unit- блок визуального отображения.
2. a) This is a control centre of the computer. All instructions and information entering the computer come here first and then are sent to the correct part of the computer for the processing. -3- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
b) This is similar to a TV screen, but pictures are sharper. The output coming from the central processing unit is sent to here so that it can be seen by the operator. - 5 - monitor
c) It allows the operator to type the information to be entered into the central processing unit. - 4 – keyboard
d) The output which is usually sent to the monitor can be also sent to here so that it can be stored on paper for future use. - 2 – printer
e) It is used to record data on or read data from a floppy disc. 1 – disc drive