1. Read the sentences and find the correct answer. 1. - What's her job? -She's... . 1....

+475 голосов
69.4k просмотров

1. Read the sentences and find the correct answer. 1. - What's her job? -She's... . 1. a teacher 2. the teacher 3. teachers 4. an teacher 2. Britain is ... island. 1. an 2. a 3. the 4.- 3. Excuse me, can I ask ... question? 1. an 2. the 3. a 4.- 4. Is there ... on Mars? 1. a life 2. the life 3. life 4. an life 5. ... is so fresh to-day. 1.the air 2. an air 3. air 4. aair 6. Is she .... 1. English 2. an English 3. the English 4. a English 7. Where's .... 1. the bad 2. bad 3. English 4. an English 8. Do you like ... coffee? 1. a 2. the 3. – 4. 9. ... is bright this night.1. the Moon2. a Moon3. an Moon4. Moon10.Moscow is ... biggest city in our country.1. the2. a3. an4. -11. Where... ?1. he is working 3. is he work2. he works 4. does he work12 Who ... in that house?1. live 3. do live2. lives 4.does live13. This is ... .1. a good very house 3. a very good house2. a house very good 4. very good a house14. Where... all this time.1. have you been 3. do you been2. you have been 4. have been you15. She ... here.`1. doesn't come often 3. doesn't often come2. often doesn't come 4. not often comes16. If you see Jane, can you give ..1. to her this letter 3. this letter her2. her this letter 4. this letter to her17. She told ... a letter.1. we must write 3. us to write2. us write 4. that we write18. Could you ... the salt, please?1. pass me 3. pass to me2. me pass 4. passed19.....to get to your office?1. Do you take it long 3. Do you long take it2. Does it take you long 4. Does it long take you20.- I'm going to a party tonight-Who...?1. did. you invited 3. invited you21. ... on holidays last year?1. did you go2. you went3. have you gone4. had you gone22. I... my homework yet.1. didn't finish2. have finished3. have not finished.4. had finished23. He ... Paris yesterday,1. leaves2. left3 have finished4. had finished24. I ... Tom for five years.1.know2. have known3. didn't know4. knows25. He ... London 2 years ago.1. has visited2. doesn't visit3. visited4. have visited26. We ... to bed early last, night because we were tired.1. go2. went3. have gone4. has gone27. I... this umbrella on Monday.1. bought2. have buy3. have not played4. has buy28. .I ... tennis since I was at school.1. didn't played2. didn't play3. have not played4. has not played29. We think our teacher ... about the test!1. forgeted2. forgot3. has forgotten4. forget30.They never to Spam.1. were2. were not3. have been4. had been

Английский язык | 69.4k просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+115 голосов

Ответ:1.1 2.1 3.3 4.1 5.3 6.2 7.2 8.3 9.1 10.1 11.4 12.2 13.3 14.1 15.3 16.2 17.3 18.1 19.4 203 21.1 22.3 23.2 24.2 25.3 26.2 27.1 28.3 294 30.3


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