1 People still play traditional sports in Kazakhstan. - TRUE
2 Baiga is usually for young boys. - TRUE
3 Alaman baiga races are shorter than ordinary baiga races. - FALSE
TRUE: Baiga races cover different distances, starting at just a few
kilometres. Alaman baiga races can be up to 100 kilometres long and are very tiring.
4 In kumis alu, players have to throw coins to each other. - FALSE
TRUE: Kumis alu is a race to pick up the most coins from the ground. The winner is the person with the most coins.
5 There are two players in a game of kyz kuu. - TRUE
6 People play baiga, kumis alu and kyz kuu to practice their horse riding skills. - FALSE
TRUE: It was long ago, when Kazakh people played these sports to help them practise horse riding. These days, sports like baiga, kumis alu and kyz kuu are just for fun