1.What is the official name of Britain?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
It consists of four parts - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
3.Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the British Isles, which are separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Straits of Dover and the English Channel.
4.Is the territory of the country large?
Yes, it is 244,ООО square miles
5. Where do people live?
Four out of five people live in towns.
6. What is the largest cities of the UK?
The largest cities in the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
7. What is the territory of the country?
The territory of the country is small but it has a wide variety of landscape and scenery.
8. What kind of state is the UK?
Politically the UK is a monarchy: the head of state is the King or Queen.
9.Who is the head of state?
Thee head of state is the King or Queen
10. Who is the real ruler of the country?
Great Britain is governed by the Government.
11. What is the capital of Great Britain?
The capital of the UK is London.
12. What places of interest are there in London?
The north and the west of England are mountainous, but the remainder of the territory is a vast plain. In Northwest England there are many beautiful lakes with green, wooded or grassy shores and grey mountains all around.
13. What is the smallest country of the UK?
The smallest country is Wales
14. Where do people live in Wales?
Most people in Wales live in the coastal plains.
15. What is the difference between Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland ?
The difference is nature.
16. What river does London stand on?
London stands on the Thames.