Ex. 1. Заполните текст, используя a, the или - (no article). (1) …Yaroslav (2)… Wise...

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3.9m просмотров

Ex. 1. Заполните текст, используя a, the или - (no article). (1) …Yaroslav (2)… Wise used marriages of his children to strengthen international relationship. He married three of his daughters to foreign princes: Elizabeth to (3) … Harald III of Norway, (4) … Anastasia to (5)… King of Hungary and his younger daughter, (6) … Anne, to (7) … Henry I of France.

Английский язык (145 баллов) | 3.9m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+90 голосов

(1)Yaroslav (2) The wise used marriages of his children to strengthen international relationship. He

married three of his daughters to foreign princes: Elizabeth to (3) Harald III of Norway, (4) Anastasia

to (5)The King of Hungary and his younger daughter, (6) Anne, to (7) The Henry I of France.

(278 баллов)