Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 4
Reading Task 1. Read the text and write the titles. (IIpourraéte TEKCT I HATTHIIIHTEподходящее название ). Тексты выписывать не нужно, пишем только цифру иназваниеMercuryEarthMarsJupiterSaturn1.The sixth planet from the sun, it is known most for its rings. When polymath GalileoGalilei first studied this planet in the early 1600s, he thought it was an object with threeparts: a planet and two large moons on either side.2.The fifth planet from the sun, it is a giant gas world that is the most massive planet in oursolar systemmore than twice as massive as all the other planets combined, according toNASA.3.It is the Red Planet, as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope. The fourth planet from thesun, and it's a cold, desert-like place covered in dust. This dust is made of iron oxides, givingthe planet its iconic red hue.4.The third planet from the sun, it is a water world, with two-thirds of the planet covered byocean. It's the only world known to harbor life. It's atmosphere is rich in nitrogen andoxygen.5.Zipping around the sun in only 88 days, It is the closest planet to the sun, and it's also thesmallest, only a little bit larger than Earth's moon.(5)Writing Task 2. Complete the dialogue. (AonogHuTe Anador. Iloctabhte apabilibHÁIŠBonpoc )Where is he?(The on?)Why is he tired?(Ilovemy OH ycraz?)Who is he?(KTO oh?)-What does he wear?(ITO OH HOCHT?)1.– He is an astronaut.2.He is in space.3.- He wears spacesuit.4.- Because he is visiting Mars now.[41