Пускай будет девушка, твой друг. Вы познакомились в школьном шахматном клубе и стали друзьями.
Не забудь изменить все, что выделено жирным шрифтом на имя/возраст. Если потребуется изменить/добавить детали, пиши комментарий.
My friend, someone (name) is N (age) years old. We met each other N years ago at my school chess club. She was my age and turned out to be a good chess player. After the club we usually study together in library or cafe. On weekends we always go to the cinema or theater. Name is the only child in her family, raised by mother in a small apartment near my school.
She is a very attractive young lady. Name has long blonde dyed hair, big brown beautiful eyes and white pale skin. Short stature, elegant and fit figure. She usually wears sweatpants, long-sleeve t-shirts and an amazing yellow coat.
Name is one of the smartest people I’ve met in my life. Her speech is stunning. It seems to me that she could speak all day and it would get boring. Besides English and Russian, she speaks French fluently. Her grades are the highest in class, teachers and students respect and love her. Name is considering becoming an economist but she hasn’t decided yet. Despite the fact she has a lot of friends
, name will always help and take care of me no matter what.
I believe that name is going to become a very successful woman in the future. In fact, she is a role model for me and I'm and always will be trying to become a better person because of her.