Вставьте нужное слово 1. Frank usually ……… his work at school. A do B doing C does 2. I...

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Вставьте нужное слово 1. Frank usually ……… his work at school. A do B doing C does 2. I ……..football every day. A plays B play C playing 3. What is he …………. now? A read B reading C reads 4. Look! Kate ……… an email. A is writing B write C writes 5. How ……… sugar do you need? A some B many C much 6. How ……..eggs do you need for the salad? A any B much C many 7. We …. basketball last weekend. A playing B played C plays 8. Mum …… a cake yesterday. A make B made C making 9. Sara always…… me at the airport. A met B meet C meets 10. My favourite food is pizza. I love …. ! A it B she C he Раздел «Чтение» 3.Прочитайте текст и отметьте высказывания ниже буквами T (true) или F (false). Dear Ann, How are you? It is my birthday next Sunday and I’m having a party. Come to my house. We always have a fantastic time! I usually decorate my room with balloons and we play party games. My mum always makes me a birthday cake. We have a table full of food, sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. My mum also makes chicken and some salads. There is a lot of coke, orange juice and lemonade to drink. The party starts at seven. Don’t be late! Write back soon, Kate. 1. Ann’s birthday is next Sunday 2. Kate decorates the room with flowers. 3. Her mum always makes a birthday cake. Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 5 класс Ф.И.О., класс ________________________________________________ 2 вариант Раздел «Лексика» 1. Распределите слова по темам: 1. Types of films (5) 2. Food and drinks (5): 3. Name of the shops (5): Horror jeweller’s rice comedy ice-cream bread bakery butter fantasy greengrocer’s tea florist’s action newsagent’s animated Раздел «Грамматика» 2. Вставьте нужное слово 11. Frank usually ……… his breakfast at school. A have B has C haves 12. My mum always ……… me a birthday cake. A making B makes C make 13. The children ……. TV at the moment. A watch B are watching C is watching 14. Listen! He …… the guitar! A plays B is Playing C play 15. How ……..cheese did you buy? A some B many C much 16. How …..children are there in your class? A much B many C any 17. I …..a white tiger at the zoo yesterday. A am seeing B see C saw 18. Kate …… TV last night. A is watching B watch C watched 19. Tim always……hiking with us. A go B goes C is going 20. Mrs. Richards is …. English teacher. A we B us C our

Русский язык (30 баллов) | 5.1m просмотров


Дано ответов: 2
+114 голосов


1 does

2 play  

3 makes

4 reading  

5 is writing

6 are watching  

7 much  

8 many

9 much

10 many

11 have

12 is

13 any

14 any

15 some

16 any

17 a, the

18 an, the

19 is  

20 were

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