Упражнение 1.  Fill in the correct article where necessary.( a, an, the) 1) ___ butter...

+125 голосов
6.4m просмотров

Упражнение 1.  Fill in the correct article where necessary.( a, an, the) 1) ___ butter is made of milk. 2) My mother is in __ kitchen now. 3) I usually have __ tea for breakfast. 4) After school we went __ home. 5) Pupils do homework in __ evening. 6) __ USA is a big country. 7) I live in __ big city. Упражнение 2. Write the plural forms of the nouns. 1) Fox – 2) Sheep – 3) Child – 4) Puppy – 5) Table – 6) Country – 7) Foot – 8) Shop– 9)Potato — Упражнение 3. Make the right form. 1) His answer was ___ (bad) than mine. 2) She is ___ (young) than her brother. 3) Helen is ____ (good) pupil in the class. 4) My nephew watched ____ (interesting) film yesterday. 5) I think the city is ___ (dirty) than the country. Упражнение 4. Fill in much or many 1) There are __ apples on the plate. 2) There is ___ bread in the bread bin. 3) There is __ milk in the bottle. 4) There are __ oranges in the box. 5) There is __ water in the kettle. Упражнение 5. Fill in some or any 1) There is _____juice in the cup. 2) There aren’t ____ old trees in the park. 3) Is there ____ money in your pocket? 4) There is ___ some meat in the soup. 5) We haven’t got ____ small pets.   Упражнение 6: Fill in gaps with the vowels a, o, e, i, u, y. 1) a stomach_ch_ 2) a br_s 3) a r_nn_  n_s_ 4) a t_th _ch 5) a c__gh помогите пожалуйста

Английский язык (83 баллов) | 6.4m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+77 голосов


1) упр

1 the

2 the

3 the

4 -(ничего)

5 the

6. the

7. the

2). упр

1 foxes

2 sheep

3 children

4 puppies

5 tables

6 countries

7 feet

8 shops

9 potatoes

3) упр

1 worse

2 younger

3 the best

4 interesting

5 dirtier

4) упр

1 many

2 much

3 much

4 many

5 much


1 some

2 any

3 any

4 some

5 any


1 stomachache

2 bras(наверно)

3 runny nose

4 toothache

5 cought

(301 баллов)
+172 голосов


1)а stomachicha

2)a bris

3)a runny nasty

4)a tathy nasy

5)a caegh


(160 баллов)