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Shopping in britan
One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. These stores are a mixture of tradition and modernity. They developed in the nineteenth century.
Oxford Street, Regent Street and Knightsbridge are all known for their famous sores.
There are different types of shops in London. They are department stores, shopping outlets, supermarkets and corner shops.
The traditional British shops are corner shops. A corner shop is a small shop, usually on the corner of the street, that sells mainly food and household goods. They can be different. They are sweet shop, a stationer's, a greengrocer's, a butcher's, a dairy shop, a florist's, a baker's, a grocer's, fishmonger's, a confectioner's and so on.
A shopping outlet is a shop which sells the goods made by a particular manufacture.
A departiment store is a large shop which is divided into a lot of different sections and which sells many different kinds of goods. The most popular among them are Herrods( it has departments ), Marks and Spencer, Selfridges and C&A.
Most of the food stories, called supermarkets, have the self-service system: you walk round the shop and choose what you want. Tesco is the largest followed by Sainsbury's .
The largest bookshop in London are Dillos and Foyle's.