Идиомы и поговорки о еде. Тест
1.Есть огурцы - это явно не моё.
а) Eating cucumbers is not obviously mine.
б)Eating cucumbers is not my cup of tea.
в)Eating cucumbers is not my couch potato.
2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Это - ...
а) поговорка
б) идиома
в) ни то не другое
3.Слезами горю не поможешь.
а) It's no use eating your words.
б)It's no use having a finger in every pie.
в)It's no use crying over spilt milk.
4.Это проще простого.
а)It's bread and butter.
б)t's a piece of cake.
в)It's a hot potato.