Вставь have – has a) Mark ... got 12 coins in his collection. b) ... your teacher got...

+863 голосов
5.2m просмотров

Вставь have – has a) Mark ... got 12 coins in his collection. b) ... your teacher got a guitar? c) We ... got basketballs. d) Natasha ... got a cap and gloves. e) Tom and Emma ... got a lot of toys. 5) Вставь much – many a) How ... carrots have we got? b) We have not got ... orange juice. c) Are there any bananas? – Yes, but not ... d) How ... cheese is on the plate? e) How ... apples do you want?

Английский язык | 5.2m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+62 голосов

1. a) has

b) has

c) have

d) has

e) have

2. a) many

b) much

c) many

d) much

e) many

(1.0k баллов)