Установите соответствие рубрик 1-6 текстам a–e. каждому тексту соответствует одна рубрика. в задании одна рубрика лишняя
a) breadcakecerealchickenpastaricewe always order it when we go to our favourite italian restaurant. i like it with tomato sauce.b)
breadcakecerealchickenpastaricethis food is very popular in india, china and japan. it is usually white. it is an ingredient of sushi.c) breadcakecerealchickenpastaricei sometimes eat it with milk in the morning. my sister is on a diet, so she eats it every day for breakfast.d) breadcakecerealchickenpastaricemy father buys fresh loaves every morning. i always have one or two slices with butter for breakfast.e) breadcakecerealchickenpastaricemy mum bakes one every year for my birthday. they are always different but sweet and tasty. yummy!
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