1. 1. Of,of
2. Of
3. Of
4. Of
5. Of
2. 1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
3. 1. He was seen by nobody yesterday.
2. Moscow university was founded by Lomonosov.
3. America was discovered by Columbus.
4. This bone will be given by Ted to his dog tomorrow.
5. Mushrooms are gathered by people in autumn.
4. 1. The librarian told the boy to take that book and read it.
2. My friend said that she had lived in Rome for 2 previous years.
3. My mother asked me what I was doing.
4. The teacher told not to open their books.
Не знаю насчет 1-ого, но все другое должно быть правильно ❤️
(From-откуда, а of- из чего, поэтому в 1-ом везде of)