Lesson:Message and meaning1. How many messages do you send/receive a day?2. Have you got a special code? Can you give an example?Task 1. Learn words: symbol,signal,gossip,headline,title,speech,lecture.Task 2. What’s the message?e.g. wer ru? = Where are you?1) I’ll B l8. sry. ________________________________________2) c u 2moro. ________________________________________3) btw. r u. ok? ________________________________________4) I luv u. ________________________________________Task 3. Match the abbreviation with its meaning:R laterU forTHANX today4 great2DAY youMSG areGR8 thanksL8R messageTask 4. Complete the tableENGLISH TEXT ENGLISH WORDCOZ becauseB4 beforetxt2niteM8YRNP No problemRUOK?WKND
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