2) had
3) walked to work
4) took half an hour
5) she started her work
6) She never had
7) she finished her work
8) got
9) she cooked
10) she didn't go
11) went to bed
12) slept
2) taught
3) sold
4) drank
5) won
6) fell , hurt
7) caught, threw
8) spent, bought, cost
2) Did you go alone?
3) was the food good?
4) how long did you stay there?
5) did you stay at hotel?
6) how did you travel?
7) was the weather fine?
8) what did you do in the morning?
9) did you meet anybody interesting?
3) didn't disturb
4) went
5) didn't sleep
6) eat (anything-negative form meaning)
7) wasn't
8) laughed
9) flew
10) didn't cost
11) didn't have
12) were
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