Ответ:a.a) He bakes bread. A BAKER b) He works in a circus. A CLOWN
c) He takes care of our teeth. A DENTIST d) He fights fires. A FIREMAN
e) She studies at school. A TEACHER f) He delivers letters. A POSTMAN
6. Fill in the blanks with the forms of the verb “To be”(am, is, are)
•1. My sister IS going to be a nurse. 2. You ARE going to be a baker.
•3. They ARE going to be engineers. 4. I AM going to be a fireman.
•5. My parents ARE going to be doctors. 6. Tom and John ARE going to be pilots.
•7. He IS going to be a good farmer. 8. We ARE going to be students.
•9. His father …… going to be a policeman. 10. I … going to be a clown