1. Sally said that she was planning to go to Kenya
2. Little Anthony said that that he took his little sister to school every day.
3. Nonna said that I might take her textbook
4. Nick said that they were playing in the gym then.
5. Someone asked if anything was wrong with me
6. Someone asked if I had headaches sometimes
7. Someone asked if I was taking any medicine then
8. Someone asked if I spent much time out-of-doors
9. Someone asked what I liked about my school
10. Someone asked what school activity I had had last( тут хз нужно ли ласт на что-то изменять)
11. Someone said to buy bread,milk and sugar.
12. Someone said to start doing my homework before she/he came
13. Someone said to take the dog for a walk
13. Someone said not to look into my neighbour's textbook
14. Someone said not to lie on my desk