Напешите ответы на вопросы 1) Does English belong to the same language group as German? French? Rusian?
2) Do you think language develop?
3) Do you are able to make a speech English? in Russian?
4) To what forgein langs have you been? Wold you like to go?
5)Why do teachers call some chldren "slow learners" ?
6) What is the right way to read the word c-a-u-g-h-t?
7) How many sounds are there in word c-a-u-g-h-t? And how many letters?
8) Whats the best way to learn English?
9)Is your love of the English language growing by and by or not?
10) Are you also thinking of learning another foreign language?
11) Do you think people can forget their own language living in a foreign lang?
12) Do you easly foget names?