1 a huge amount 2 carbon dioxide 3 breathe in oxygen 4 breathe out carbon dioxide 5 oil 6 coal 7 petrol 8 in the last few years 9 huge areas 10 this means
1 In the last few years people have burned huge areas of forest.
2 В последние несколько лет люди сожгли огромные площади леса.
3 a) Who has burned huge areas of forest in the last few years?
b) Have people burned huge areas of forest in the last few years?
c) What have people burned in the last few years?
What do people and animals breathe out?
What do we produce when we burn oil, coal, petrol or wood?
1 He has just left...
2 We have been...
3 I will have finished...
4 She had come up..
5 I have known...
1 I have never been... I wanted to go...
2 He has lived....
3 His ather came back...
4 Yan wrote....
5 He sent...