Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere.Some authors have tried to prove that Europeans visited Australia in the XVI century.The discovery of Australia occurred in 1606, when Willem Janssen on the ship, Duyfken landed on the coast of Australia.The Commonwealth of Australia is a state in the southern hemisphere with an area of 7,692,024 km2. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, USA and Brazil, occupying about 5 % of the earth's land surface.It includes: mainland Australia (including Tasmania island) with an area of 7 659 861 km2 and other coastal Islands with an area of 32 163 km2.Australia's climate is heavily influenced by ocean currents.The main natural wealth of the country is mineral resources.Although most of the continent is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, Australia has a variety of landscapes, from similar Alpine meadows to tropical jungles.
Here is such a beautiful country!